Well Holy Cow, I haven’t heard that expression since I was a kid when our grandparents lived with us during the depression of the thirties. Can you believe that my grandma said HOLY COW when Gramps finally got a job after five years of layoff from the National Biscuit Company. Holy Cow this and Holy Cow that when ever something seemed to surprise her. Me Gram used to drag me brother and me off to church in an effort to straighten us out, is what I figured. That’s when and where I learned she got that expression from. When God delivered a whole nation of people out of slavery He gave them a few rules of conduct they should live by for a happy life and His protection. Holy Cow said God when He realized those people rejected His kindness and saw they built a Holy solid gold Cow for their protection. HOLY COW, said God in surprise, Holy Cow!!
Just had to remark on your expression of surprise Larry. I just haven’t heard that Holy Cow thing for many many years.
I know I know! I got off subject again as per usual. As KN7 said in Bebop’s Tyros ll e-mail post, “Over the years, you have rambled on about nothing in many of your posts”. Well I guess that’s true. Even Ruthie confirms this but I tell her she got what she got because she’s the one that said for better or for worse. I’ll take what I get, she said, and she got it.
Well Larry and Walt, the reason I have been away for awhile was an exercise of discipline on my part. I found, thanks to Ruthie’s suggestion, I might have become addicted to this forum. As usual old Ruthie was right. Withdrawal was hard. I now have overcome the addiction and will comment every now and then.
HOLY COW, old Gramps was an addict and didn’t know it. Old Ruthie to the rescue again, bless her little heart.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug